This blog contains the random witterings of me... forgive me, I know not what I do..

Thursday, 15 December 2011

You can't beat a good old SING!

Global Harmony is a mixed a cappella world music choir based in Melton Mowbray. I've been part of GH since 2008. Last week we had a great Christmas Concert at St Mary's Church in Melton!

Above is a recording of  'the blokes and Vera' singing the traditional Croatian song 'U poju se mala'.
(Photo from last year)

Rough Translation:
In the field, a little, Orange tree is swaying. It's not because of the wind, a little, Nor for the bright sun.
But a maiden, a little, In a great sorrow, For her mother, a little, Is giving her to a widower.

Below is a video of the choir singing 'Kakilambe', an African ritual dance tuneThis name is also used to refer to different percussion patterns in African music.

It really is a great experience to be part of Global Harmony over the last few years. It truly is a privilege and a joy to experience and be able to sing with such a vibrant bunch!  It is perhaps only as a collective that the human spirit really excels.

If you live near Melton and fancy a challenge on Monday evenings, come along!


  1. just want to congratulate you and the choir for this performance of Croatian traditional song U poju se mala. Greetings from Croatia and merry Christmas

  2. well thank you! I hope it was OK we have no Croatian members but we did our best to sing it right. Or as well as we could. Best wishes to you in Croatia! Merry Christmas. (Or can I say "Sretan Bozic i Nova Godina")
