This blog contains the random witterings of me... forgive me, I know not what I do..

Monday, 26 September 2011

A few ales, and all becomes clear!

It's been a long while since I had more than a few ales. "Beer money" turns into "morthercare-toysrus-school-etc" money!  You parents know what I mean!

However, last weekend Em & I went out on what turned out to be 'a jolly'!  Didn't we have a laugh!  We started in the OT in Loughborough and ended up in the Fox in Syston, somehow...   The girls from the pool will tell you, but then again they probably can't recall much either! Some good ales and a great night out.

"Oh how silly & childish, tisk tisk", but oh what fun!  I have no hair to let down but believe me I gave it my best shot. I think...

After almost 6 months of alcohol free living earlier this year, by June I'd rejoined reality(?).  It's lead me to question our substance intake and I've come to NO conclusions whatsoever.  I have taken up caffeine as a regular stimulant and of course enjoy the GP's recommended inhibitors - happy daze I guess.(?)  Oh and of course "cheese"!

Trying too hard to make sense of a wild-erness we live in can lead one into a place where ideas are unfounded and unfocused, where things fall apart, where structure collapses...  Some joys might be false structures but at least they might be con-cre(a)te.

The resonance between: reality of a happy focused(?) conducted view and the dream of a lost expansive wild(?) view...   hummm.

Always looking for "more" in things. Perhaps my omnipresent chimera can be just as disillusionary(?) as my realities.

As mentioned in "bubbles", realities are built around us and some struggle to see through them - either way...
Familia... yearning real fellowship, familiarity, friendliness... Maintenance? Feeding? Nurture? Interaction? Pollination?

Perhaps occasionally we disciple-ine ourselves too much, perhaps we lose the fantastical structure that can develop "really" naturally... ?

Have a beer (or 9)!

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