This blog contains the random witterings of me... forgive me, I know not what I do..

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Life's too short to finish it early!

If you are fully aware of the info below, please share this with a friend...

- When passing cyclists, give them plenty of room, time and space to manoeuvre.
Before overtaking make sure there’s a room ahead
Allow plenty of room... do not cut in.
Give cyclists at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car.
You MUST NOT overtake by crossing a solid white line... unless cycle’s travelling at 10 mph or less.

[Laws RTA 1988 sect 36, TSRGD regs 10, 22, 23 & 24, ZPPPCRGD reg 24]
Motorcyclists and cyclists
211  It is often difficult to see cyclists... Always look out for them before you manoeuvre...   Be sure to check
mirrors and blind spots carefully.
212-3  When passing cyclists, give them plenty of room. Give them time and space to manoeuvre.
162 Before overtaking you should make sure the road is sufficiently clear ahead and that there is a suitable
gap in front of the road user you plan to overtake.
163 Overtake only when it is safe and legal to do so.
You should allow plenty of room... do not cut in.
Give cyclists at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car.
165 You MUST NOT overtake by crossing a solid white line...
You may cross the line to overtake a cycle if they are travelling at 10 mph or less.
You MUST NOT overtake the nearest vehicle to a pedestrian crossing...
You MUST NOT overtake by entering a lane reserved for other vehicles...

If you are able to download a FREE sheet of 5 bookmarks to print, trim & share, here's a link: FREE Bookmarks

SPONSORSHIP: If you know of bodies that might simply sponsor the production and distribution of such an important road safety message, then contact the
Bookmark People; ranging from a few thousand homes to an entire region, they can place targeted library bookmarks which can deliver your message uniquely to the heart of the community.
Alternatively just share this post!    
Life's too short to finish early!

1 comment:

  1. Good advice to motorists - it would be wonderful if they all took heed!
