This blog contains the random witterings of me... forgive me, I know not what I do..

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

A good old crusty loaf!!

With the challenge set after tweeting GBBO's Holly a fellow Leicestershirianite(?), I set to bashing some dough round!

A good old crusty loaf!
As I pummelled the dough I was reminded of the muppet in the white van that terrorised me on the way home the other day.
I was in 'my space' on the road, with a car in front of me, and they (the white van) seemed to have had a bad day and were not happy (i guess) that I was in front of them? Sor-rry! Revving their engine and blasting their horn behind me, they followed me for a good 900 yards unable to get by. They did eventually overtake me when there was room, and broke infront of me as if to make a point. It left me a tad shaken and seriously wondering if all this cycling malarky was worth it!?
Yes, on the way home a few dozen drivers race-off accelerating away like missled lemmings after being inconvenienced for 10 seconds! Oh I do hope they get there in time!!
But cycling IS worth the occasional encounter with a ready-sliced roadster! Life is worth living. Breath is worth breathing! Time is worth spending! Bread is worth cutting!
I do wonder why so many people are in such a rush to get somewhere? Life's too short to get their early!
Driving home from work used to take me 25 minutes. Riding takes me 35.
OK some may think I'm a bit of a crusty old loaf for cycling to work but take if from me - it tastes good!!!
Ta Holly!


  1. Bread looks deeeelishus! White van man and the like are MUPPETS!!!! They don't get there any sooner and upset others on the way. I have reduced my average speed by 10mph and guess what? I still get to my destination at the same time - I just catch up with the idiots at traffic lights and roundabouts - then I can be quite smug at my increased fuel efficiency!!

  2. Yes indeed. Slow down 'dudes', it's not a race! Despite what 'people' might tell you, it's not a race!
