Thursday, 27 October 2011
Feeding Eli...
You may be aware that we have a menagerie in the household with the beloved Cheese, Pickles and Bryher, (as well as umpteen inanimate bears and things) but our wet friends always give us cause to chill and wonder.
Over the years we've had a healthy tank and been lucky to only seen a handful of residents depart for the tank in the sky (bin). One of the oldest present residents is Dyson the 4" Bristlenosed Pleco Ancistrus, alas not seen in the above vid as he hides under a log now and lets the younger fish strut. We have a Cameroon Armoured Shrimp who again resides mainly in his hole, but does venture forth to shed his skin occasionally. Another oldie is Cory the Corydoras who we've had from early days, about 4 years. The others are an assortment, with this spring's addition of a few Guppies now continually populating (and feeding the big boys) with live young! Talking of big boys, of course there's the prowling Sharky the Red Tailed Shark, who the little-ones let believe 'is in charge'.
The video above shows the bidiem ritual of feeding Eli the Fire Eel. We got Eli while almost an elver about 2 years ago, then ~ 3", now you see he's about 6" but he could grow to 20"... w-e'll see.
Sunday, 23 October 2011
I never knew...
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PZ. 114 "The Energetic' (The Richards Family - Porthleven pre-1948) |
Em and I have been having a bit of a 'Downton Abbey Fest' recently, watching the first series on BT Vision. We missed it the first time round; I guess sumt else was on at the same time and to be honest the prospect did not appeal.
But for me the notions of atavism, ghosts, ubuntu, or summint are never far from the surface. And DA certainly pricks a few bubbles - as did the new 'Upstairs Downstairs' last year. Where are we from and who are we? I never knew...
Yes, I 'm aware that it WAS tough... and I have no doubt that "we don't know we're born", but... watching these early 1900s period dramas brings on a feeling of loss, a certain sadness, as well as a glassy warmth of romance and starched better values(?)
I know I was a babe in the 1970s, but the very little that I recall from paternal nana Daisy's life from "Wilfred Villa" Breageside in Porthleven, is a world away from now and rings of days gone by that I never knew but possibly did get a hint of...
I recall a pantry and 'the cabin'. I recall the smell of the cliff-side kitchen, brassware and wooden furniture. Picture rails, chair arm covers, dinner gongs. I was of course on a lower level and recall the mystery of big heavy doors with wooden(?) keyhole covers. Big warm rooms and cold hallways. Big wooden furniture, leather, silver, copper... introduced plastic that struggled to fit with the rest of the room... Leather satchels, big warm coats - we don't wear big warm coats anymore! Cars without seatbelts, the back seat on the long trip home... the feel of plastic car-seat on my cheek... sleep.
It's only a start, I really can't recall what I might remember, who knows what we soak up when we're young... perhaps 'twas a previous life... but I DO KNOW, I never knew something...
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Sunrise Sunday, ultimately faulty?
Woken this morning by a poorly daughter - (barking like a seal on silk-cut). Bless her, she's suffering this weekend. Calpol and 'stuff' are hopefully doing their thing.
So a bedtime cuppa for the wife and 'Milkshake (5)' for t'other little lady, and off out on the pedals for an hour. The outing was briefly awesome!
So a bedtime cuppa for the wife and 'Milkshake (5)' for t'other little lady, and off out on the pedals for an hour. The outing was briefly awesome!
After a twittering with Martyn Joseph last night (sorry Wales - gutted for u!) I've booked some tickets for Nov. It's been 5+ years since I saw MJ after probably 20+ years of seeing him at least once a year!
So I stuck an album on the pod which for the last few years sat collecting dust. The old MJ stuff has just not been resonating in the last few years, even a bit of a turn off... I've been on a different track recently.
This morning some of his offerings did again almost ring with recent recovering thoughts and feelings.
Can't sum up the experience save to say the ride was bracing. 3°C, 8.30am, rabbits, pheasants, birds of all kinds but notably buzzards. We have what must be a family (4 or 5) that live nearby and this morning one joined me on my ride for a minute. It soared over the hedge and followed me along the road for 20-30 seconds before circling a field and perching in a roadside tree - oh I wish I had the Lumix, alas the HTC wasn't up to the job.
At the moment I'm tentatively reading 'The Shack', a library angel put it in my hand! (Another story). I'll report back if i survive it.
I'd like to list the other cultural material that's popping and fizzing at the mo. but can't think. Let's just say stuff's simmering and I occasionally get a whiff of something stimulating... we'll see... hope it doesn't boil dry.
Highs on the ride this morning were utterly ecstatic; I find myself laughing out loud as I reach a summit or simply a hint of epiphanic 'life'; we then roll back down to norms and onward...
My only concern at the mo is that 'glory' goes to my perception of seemingly 'natural' phenomena while I avoid the death and natural 'fall' also abundant around us. I rejoice over 'life', and it seems it's the 'human' interference and conceptions that fail and mar the outlook. Nature is a harsh if beautiful thing, I wonder if humanity can be beautiful as well as harsh and ultimately faulty.
Natural - Human?
So I stuck an album on the pod which for the last few years sat collecting dust. The old MJ stuff has just not been resonating in the last few years, even a bit of a turn off... I've been on a different track recently.
This morning some of his offerings did again almost ring with recent recovering thoughts and feelings.
Can't sum up the experience save to say the ride was bracing. 3°C, 8.30am, rabbits, pheasants, birds of all kinds but notably buzzards. We have what must be a family (4 or 5) that live nearby and this morning one joined me on my ride for a minute. It soared over the hedge and followed me along the road for 20-30 seconds before circling a field and perching in a roadside tree - oh I wish I had the Lumix, alas the HTC wasn't up to the job.
At the moment I'm tentatively reading 'The Shack', a library angel put it in my hand! (Another story). I'll report back if i survive it.
I'd like to list the other cultural material that's popping and fizzing at the mo. but can't think. Let's just say stuff's simmering and I occasionally get a whiff of something stimulating... we'll see... hope it doesn't boil dry.
Highs on the ride this morning were utterly ecstatic; I find myself laughing out loud as I reach a summit or simply a hint of epiphanic 'life'; we then roll back down to norms and onward...
My only concern at the mo is that 'glory' goes to my perception of seemingly 'natural' phenomena while I avoid the death and natural 'fall' also abundant around us. I rejoice over 'life', and it seems it's the 'human' interference and conceptions that fail and mar the outlook. Nature is a harsh if beautiful thing, I wonder if humanity can be beautiful as well as harsh and ultimately faulty.
Natural - Human?
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
A good old crusty loaf!!
With the challenge set after tweeting GBBO's Holly a fellow Leicestershirianite(?), I set to bashing some dough round!
A good old crusty loaf!
As I pummelled the dough I was reminded of the muppet in the white van that terrorised me on the way home the other day.
I was in 'my space' on the road, with a car in front of me, and they (the white van) seemed to have had a bad day and were not happy (i guess) that I was in front of them? Sor-rry! Revving their engine and blasting their horn behind me, they followed me for a good 900 yards unable to get by. They did eventually overtake me when there was room, and broke infront of me as if to make a point. It left me a tad shaken and seriously wondering if all this cycling malarky was worth it!?
Yes, on the way home a few dozen drivers race-off accelerating away like missled lemmings after being inconvenienced for 10 seconds! Oh I do hope they get there in time!!
But cycling IS worth the occasional encounter with a ready-sliced roadster! Life is worth living. Breath is worth breathing! Time is worth spending! Bread is worth cutting!
I do wonder why so many people are in such a rush to get somewhere? Life's too short to get their early!
Driving home from work used to take me 25 minutes. Riding takes me 35.
OK some may think I'm a bit of a crusty old loaf for cycling to work but take if from me - it tastes good!!!
Ta Holly!
A good old crusty loaf!
As I pummelled the dough I was reminded of the muppet in the white van that terrorised me on the way home the other day.
I was in 'my space' on the road, with a car in front of me, and they (the white van) seemed to have had a bad day and were not happy (i guess) that I was in front of them? Sor-rry! Revving their engine and blasting their horn behind me, they followed me for a good 900 yards unable to get by. They did eventually overtake me when there was room, and broke infront of me as if to make a point. It left me a tad shaken and seriously wondering if all this cycling malarky was worth it!?
Yes, on the way home a few dozen drivers race-off accelerating away like missled lemmings after being inconvenienced for 10 seconds! Oh I do hope they get there in time!!
But cycling IS worth the occasional encounter with a ready-sliced roadster! Life is worth living. Breath is worth breathing! Time is worth spending! Bread is worth cutting!
I do wonder why so many people are in such a rush to get somewhere? Life's too short to get their early!
Driving home from work used to take me 25 minutes. Riding takes me 35.
OK some may think I'm a bit of a crusty old loaf for cycling to work but take if from me - it tastes good!!!
Ta Holly!
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Joy! Warm and satisfying? Cool and fuzzy?
We made time today just to chill - we took ourselves and the kids to Bradgate for a stroll. Just walking in the fresh air was a great tonic against the noise of 'daily stuff'.
With the kids it can be* easy to make any simple thing into an adventure (*given opportunity - but that's another story). An unplanned portion of cake and a coffee helped halfway round!
Just sitting watching how the kids are growing into little people with ideas and characters of their own is grounding. Emma asked "can you see the deer?!" and P said "yes, I need a beer!" (not sure where that came from).
The clarity of the autumnal sky is striking. The seasonal adaption of nature; shrinking, slowing, fading - the moderation from the ornamentation of summer can be cleansing.
Back home we had a quick look back at some home-movie of A&P from a few years back and were reminded of the miracle of growth, and the blessings of shared experience.
Perhaps it's difficult to summarise feelings of joy? It's seems to be not an objective incident but a fleeting human feeling or thought that can either be embraced or ignored? Let's just say; if you hear a breath, absorb it; if you see a wisp, grab hold of it; if you receive anything, share it, somehow!
Joy and life will not last - if it's real, then after blooming, it may well eventually relax and rest back for a new awakening with someone else, at another time, in another place.
The tides of Mount's bay and a private Camelot will always come and go, at least in my mind they will. It's miraculous how they can be 'felt' over high fields in Charnwood. Count your blessings, name them one by one...
My only concern is that this joy seems a selfish experience, and is often not shared with others. That's what's missing... I feel that light, when kept to oneself is not true light but darkness. If it cannot be seen then it will not rejuvenate, it may as well die.
Ooops slipped, this post was intended to be a positive post.
Had a good walk amongst blue sky today! Hope you have too.
Happy days!

Just sitting watching how the kids are growing into little people with ideas and characters of their own is grounding. Emma asked "can you see the deer?!" and P said "yes, I need a beer!" (not sure where that came from).
The clarity of the autumnal sky is striking. The seasonal adaption of nature; shrinking, slowing, fading - the moderation from the ornamentation of summer can be cleansing.
Back home we had a quick look back at some home-movie of A&P from a few years back and were reminded of the miracle of growth, and the blessings of shared experience.
Perhaps it's difficult to summarise feelings of joy? It's seems to be not an objective incident but a fleeting human feeling or thought that can either be embraced or ignored? Let's just say; if you hear a breath, absorb it; if you see a wisp, grab hold of it; if you receive anything, share it, somehow!
Joy and life will not last - if it's real, then after blooming, it may well eventually relax and rest back for a new awakening with someone else, at another time, in another place.
The tides of Mount's bay and a private Camelot will always come and go, at least in my mind they will. It's miraculous how they can be 'felt' over high fields in Charnwood. Count your blessings, name them one by one...
My only concern is that this joy seems a selfish experience, and is often not shared with others. That's what's missing... I feel that light, when kept to oneself is not true light but darkness. If it cannot be seen then it will not rejuvenate, it may as well die.
Ooops slipped, this post was intended to be a positive post.
Had a good walk amongst blue sky today! Hope you have too.
Happy days!
Thursday, 6 October 2011
An alternative route...
Oh deary me… I’ve calmed down a tad now!
I cycled an alternative route into Leicester today.
For the last 6 months I have cycled the 7 miles route
into St. George’s Retail Park from Goscote:
But I recently wondered if a less-traffic-ed less risky route via “cycle ways” and “the like, might be
an alternative option in the dark or inclement weather.
And so ventured forth:
Oh Dear Me! I bit my lip and restrained myself with my
initial post-ride tweet!
“I’ll write more when I’ve calmed down! Alternative
route into Leicester using less trafficed cycle infrastructure(?)
OK I am ignorant of the facts, and am not in a position to criticise, I should fall in line a let the affluenca drive by, but sorry, it was an absolute joke.
Perhaps because the road route I’ve been used to over the
last 6 months has been a relatively enjoyable casual ride all the way in see
comments here:

(a) the quality shared cycle way from Goscote to Syston
is unusable between 8-9 as its FULL of school children. Try and use it at your
(b) the route through Syston, as oppose to the county
route around it, is ridden with potential obstacles and hazards – It requires
full attention at all times.
(c) traffic is heavier and faster and arguable less
tolerant of cyclists on this route!
(d) the cycle path area on the road (and the paths later
on) is frequently dirty and dusty with potential puncture hazards, I usually
cycle further out in the road to avoid such.
(e) the suburban junctions are busier and being used more
aggressively than those on the rural route.
(f) having to negotiate cycle ways that go onto pavements
and off pavements and then utilise pedestrian crossings etc is a confusing pain
in the backside.
(g) the suburbs are not attractive.
(h) the shared cycle way from Thrum to Leicester is
potholed, dirty and in a state of bad repair. Where this crosses junctions etc.
protocol is anyone’s guess, confusing and hazardous.
(i) lack of a clear route across Troon Way at the old
Thorn Lighting crossroads is laughable and dangerous!
(j) route continues in poor condition
(k) route through park for 2 minutes is nice (and relax)
but not sure I should be cycling on the footpath.
(l) off the main Melton Road, cycling through terraced suburbs is OK but constant vigilance is needed and roads are not in good condition and regular junctions, parking and hump hazards need careful passage. Not to mention ill-informed parents teaching their kids ‘street survival’ by not using crossings and walkways but just jaywalking every-which-way! Don’t get me started on that!
(l) off the main Melton Road, cycling through terraced suburbs is OK but constant vigilance is needed and roads are not in good condition and regular junctions, parking and hump hazards need careful passage. Not to mention ill-informed parents teaching their kids ‘street survival’ by not using crossings and walkways but just jaywalking every-which-way! Don’t get me started on that!
(m) the rat-run through the terraces is not idea due to
the parking etc which needs constant vigilance if you’re not to be taken out by
a pedestrian or a car-door etc.
The consequence of the above saw me get to work in a
state of agitated high-tension, to say the least. If my reaction is subjective
then the objective facts above are enough to rule it out as a practical
alternative. I usually take 30mins on average to cover the 7miles. This trip
also of 7miles took 40mins. That’s a 30+% longer!?
If city planners (or how ever it is that implements such) expect more people to cycle and use such facilities they are seriously short-sighted or indeed having a laugh!
Back to the country-route tomorrow.
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Talking a bath!??
I recently asked, what is "this"... we have an urge to do “this”, to look further, to ask and to share, to grow to be thankful...
“This” is ultimately fulfilling, enriching and purging...
It’s not interested in assumptions and restrictions...
It can be vibrant and effervescent as well as reflective and contemplative...
It can focus goodness and growth and transform decay and death...
It’s more than that...
It’s fecundity, nurture, and cleansing
It’s for the multitude and the you...
What am I...?
“This” is ultimately fulfilling, enriching and purging...
It’s not interested in assumptions and restrictions...
It can be vibrant and effervescent as well as reflective and contemplative...
It can focus goodness and growth and transform decay and death...
It’s more than that...
It’s fecundity, nurture, and cleansing
It’s for the multitude and the you...
What am I...?
And a friend answered... "a bath?" This made me smile 'cos to a certain extent it was a right answer. Humm....
The above was actually my initial response to the question in a contemporary context what is "worship"?
Do what?.. to celebrate... simulate... reflect a bigger picture, of the right-eous, the essence of life and growth... of a god?
With a post-evangelical, post-'churchless-faith' mindset, I'm afraid I find myself having to start with a blank page.
I have found past experiences of Christian subcultural behaviour to ultimately be disappointing, distracting and unhelpful.
I've entertained various approaches and seen vibrant and effervescent celebrations as well as reflective and contemplative encounters and will agree that goodness can be focused, shared and grown in many Christian meetings, however sometimes meetings can become self-fulfilling.
With a post-evangelical, post-'churchless-faith' mindset, I'm afraid I find myself having to start with a blank page.
I have found past experiences of Christian subcultural behaviour to ultimately be disappointing, distracting and unhelpful.
I've entertained various approaches and seen vibrant and effervescent celebrations as well as reflective and contemplative encounters and will agree that goodness can be focused, shared and grown in many Christian meetings, however sometimes meetings can become self-fulfilling.
Clubs are all well and good but to me the idea of celebrating the essence of a God-centered truth should be more than a club activity.
I hoped real living life might lead to a truer worship than some labeled coded activities - but alas individualism is ultimately 'in vain'...
'In vain' we individually search for sense, reason, peace and 'more' - but often on our terms. I do wish to look further than myself but as you might expect it seems impossible for one to see beyond what one can see - especially when ones experience of others is disappointing, distracting and unhelpful.
But the interaction between things is what makes them fecund, or as someone else once put it 'where two or more a gathered, there will I be there also' - I agree we need to meet and share to feed the multitude... but I'm not sure we need to sing "shine Jesus shine"... ?
I'm going for a bath.
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