This blog contains the random witterings of me... forgive me, I know not what I do..

Sunday, 31 July 2011

It may be cold...

It may be cold but, 'get in there'! It has to be done...
A week after our islandic 'week off' (plus a few days enhanced by paracetamol based products etc) and perhaps we're back to as near to normality as one might expect.
Back cycling to work etc, and mulling over whirling thoughts generated by recent reading... 'circular perspectives' as opposed to linear... interesting and somewhat enlightening.
Saturday produced one quiche, 25 sausage rolls, an assortment of cheese & onion straws, and a lemon drizzle cake... nice!
Sunday saw the oldest offspring cycling without stabilisers - v chuffed just taken to it!
(i) Trying to maintain a sense of the salty sea that warmed the cockles last week.
(ii) Trying to maintain a sense of N&P that warmed the cockles for 40 odd years.
(iii) Trying to maintain a sense of peace that is just underneath that noisy old world out there. The sun is always shining, it's just occasionally clouds and 'stuff' are in the way. It's shining now!
Today's ride saw busy harvesting in the fields, a hare having the time of it's life, gold and a greenfinches but I like to think the latter was a Siskin! - flew with me for 20 seconds through rural Leics. And a pint at the end, courtesy of the father-in-law. Cheers.
Thought - "Why let the facts get in the way of a good story"! (Who said that first?)

Monday, 25 July 2011

a horizion...

Saturday early morn, time to chill, utterly peaceful bay, Ellen MacArthur's words juggling in mind, John Lennon on the tunes...

Just playing... 5 rough unaligned pics, and only 3 automatic actions from PShopCS5, genius software!

With a crop and a touch...

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Away with the ferrys...

A week away, over the sea. No digital activity, just sea-air, birds, boats, cloud-scapes and seemingly endless horizons. The kids had a ball, adventures around every corner, great to see inquisitive confidence brewing in both. A v busy week! My core attachment to the sea has been fed again for the time being. With daily views of stretching seascapes, I've read Ellen MacArthur's 'full circle'.. now there's a feisty lass! Plenty of food for thought.
I have to keep this short, as I'm dosed with beechams and daynurse, sweating out an explosion that's pounding in my head. Some call it a cold, some flu, I call it #########!
To top it all, my maternal nana passed away this week after a full 92 years, I will always remember her laughing; to me, she embodied 'happiness'. I trust she will always be laughing in spirit. Here's to Hilda Maud Short ne Tattum, and Herbert Frank Short, I wish i knew them better, but rest knowing that they actually realised more than we know, I guess it works that way.
Here's to the another horizon.
(a short post from my Android fone, not really up for words at present)

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Some wisdom?

There was once a dark cave, deep down in the ground, underneath the earth and hidden away from view; Because it was so deep in the earth, the light had never been there. The cave had never seen light. The word 'light' meant nothing to the cave, who couldn't imagine what 'light' might be.
Then one day, the sun sent an invitation to the cave, inviting it to come up and visit.
'When the cave came up to visit the sun it was amazed and delighted, because the cave had never seen light before, and it was dazzled by the wonder of the experience.
Feeling so grateful to the sun for inviting it to visit, the cave wanted to return the kindness, and so it invited the sun to come down to visit it sometime, because the sun had never seen darkness.
So the day came, and the sun came down and was courteously shown into the cave.
As the sun entered the cave, it looked around with great interest, wondering what 'darkness' would be like. Then it became puzzled, and asked the cave, "Where is the darkness?'